Top 10 Most Satisfying Sand Videos

If you haven’t already experienced the sensation sweeping the internet, here’s an introduction into the wonderful world of satisfying sand videos. These videos are made using kinetic sand. It sticks together like wet sand, but it doesn’t dry out. There are hundreds of videos of people mixing, moulding, cutting, and shaving it. Here are our top 10 videos of pure satisfaction.


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A potato peeler! Perfect for cutting those long thin strips that fall away so perfectly.



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This one eventually falls into disarray, but the sound is so smooth.



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I know it’s sand, but I kind of want to pick up one of those slices and take a bite.



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It’s like it’s melting. I’m melting.

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No seriously, I’m melting.



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I’ve transcended my body.



A post shared by Kinetic sand (@sand.mr4r) on

I’m now just a sack of tingling nerves.



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Please, can I eat it?

mixing sand from the leftovers of a video that isn’t out yet. also APPRECIATE THE FACT THAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR 4 HOURS FOR THIS BLOODY VIDEO TO UPLOAD I NEARLY LOST MY WILL TO LIVE HONESTLY #oddlysatisfying #talisatossell #sandvideo #asmr #kineticsand #kineticsandisfying

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That’s my brain on sand videos. Rainbow mash.



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And to finish off this satisfaction session, a smoosh compilation.


Your welcome.


